

The CRM in Bitrix24 provides a platform to organize and track interaction with potential or existing clients, partners, agents and other contacts.
Bitrix24's CRM forms a contact base where the interaction and the history of contacts are managed and stored. All new events (phone calls, messages, meetings) connected with a contact or company are easily logged and further interaction can be planned, including by using integrated tasks.

Customer Contact Center

The idea behind universal contact center in Bitrix24 is simple. It doesn’t matter which communication channels your customers use – email, telephone, social media, instant messenger, web form, website live chat – Bitrix24 supports them all, saving the entire history of client interactions over time in one place.

Project Management and Tasks

Bitrix24 has extensive organizational features which enhance efficiency at the personal and group levels. Tasks can be defined for oneself or assigned to a colleague, or delegated after being received. Project management features of the product are imbedded in the ‘groups’.

Bitrix24 as an HRMS

You can use Bitrix24 as a free human resources management system (HRMS) for your company. All the core HRMS features – from an employee directory and a self-service portal to leave management and work reports are there, wrapped in a social interface that your workers and HR department will love to use.
Fully customizable self hosted editions of Bitrix24 with source code access are available.

Social Intranet

How easy is it to communicate with social networks like Facebook? There is little question that the wild popularity of social networks comes from the fact that they solve a basic problem – ease of communication – in a way that is superior to previous options. Imagine putting the power of enterprise social networking into your company's daily operations!

Document Management

Uploading your shared files to Bitrix24 will make them accessible in a powerful document management system. Presentations, documents, videos, and any other files can be placed for download, collaboration, or private use. Most importantly, you can find any document quickly through the internal search.


Would you like to coordinate the schedules of employees and resources easily and transparently across all your platforms? In Bitrix24, personal calendars and workgroup calendars can be shared easily inside the system, with mobile devices and with Outlook. Use the convenient reminder features on events and tasks and never miss an important meeting.

Email inside your intranet

Some people use email for collaboration. Others prefer enterprise social networking. Why fight, when with Bitrix24 you can have both? Email is here to stay, so we put it right inside the social intranet to give you the best of both worlds.


المملكة العربية السعودية - جدة
حي الشرفية - طريق المدنية المنورة - برج الخياط - الطابق الأول - مكتب رقم 11

العنوان الوطني:

7451 شارع أبو بكر الصديق 2265 حي الشرفية - الرمز البريدي: 23218

ساعات العمل:

من السبت إلى الخميس:
09:30 صباحاً وحتى 06:00 مساءً.

البريد الالكتروني:


+966 9200 06780

+966 53 080 4477

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